The Made Image






Copyright © 2024 Gary Embury                                                                      


2025: Currently on a six month sabbatical.

Continuing to Work on a range of projects including ‘The Bloomsbury Handbook of
Drawing Research
’ a Global survey of Drawing Research with the UWE BCU Drawing
Research Group.

Collaborating on an interdisciplinary Drawing research project examining the intersections
between drawing, sound, and music. This project investigates how drawing and mark-making,
notation, and sonic structures inform and influence one another, exploring the cognitive,
spatial, and material connections between auditory and visual practices and considers how
mark-making, space, rhythm, and time intersect, shaping new dialogues between visual and
sonic expression.

‘Arterial 3’

Continuing to draw................


2024: Currently working on a Handbook of Drawing Research for Bloomsbury Publishing with the UWE BCU Drawing
Research Group. The Global Survey of Drawing research will include drawing research projects including examples of
practice, findings, presentations, abstracts and visual essays some of which were presented at the DRG 
‘What is drawing Research Symposium’ and Exhibition at Birmingham City University in November 2023.


The UWE BCU Drawing Research Group organised and Chaired ‘What is Drawing Research’ Symposium and Exhibition at
Birmingham school of Art. Nov 2023


In 2024 I’ll be documenting through drawing a project with UWE Illustration
and MA Architecture students the re-development of the Quaker memorial
ground in Bristol as a place of memory and reflection for migrant and asylum
seekers.We are  working in partnership with  UWE, Bristol City Council
Bristol City of Sanctuary, Bristol Refugee and Asylum seeker partnership
AWE Hope Service Bristol Mind, and other organisations. I’m also be focussing
on relaunching and redesigning www.reportager.org to showcase and initiate
reportage and documentary drawing projects internationally.
I’ll continue to be involved in supporting the next cycle of student Artists
residencies with Chelsea and Westminster Hospital amongst other Drawing
and ‘Made Image’ projects.    

Updates to follow:


Interviewed for ‘Reportage Drawing, Vision and Experience’ by Louis Netter Published by Bloomsbury Jan 2024

Documenting through drawing the re-development of the Quaker memorial ground in Bristol as a place of memory and
reflection for migrant and asylum seekers. In partnership with  UWE, Bristol City Council Bristol City of Sanctuary,
Bristol Refugee and Asylum seeker partnership AWE Hope Service and Bristol Mind. 2023/24

In November UWE BCU Drawing Research Group members Gary Embury, Lucy Ward, Chloe Masi and Anouk Mercier presented in
person a paper, ‘Drawing as a Dynamic Research tool’at ‘Drawing Across x Along x Between University Borders’ in Porto Portugal.